Culture, Islam, Spirituality

What Does Islam Say About Marriage?

Islam teaches us that marriage is the finest and purest relationship that should exist between a male and female.

Marriage in Islam. Credit:

Marriage should be the goal that both partners have in mind.

Marriage is so serious and so important that it is clearly defined in the Quran and in the teachings of Islam by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).

You may be surprised to learn that divorce is also mentioned in the Quran and dealt with in very clear terms: to ensure that it does not happen except with due consideration and proper representation and insurance of rights for both parties.

The Quran offers many references concerning rights and limits in marriage, and on love and divorce. There is even an entire surah (chapter) named Al Talaq (The Divorce).

Marriage in Islam is a beautiful way for two people to bring together their families, heritage and culture for the purpose of bringing more Muslims into the world, in love, commitment and dedication to God, His Book, His Prophet (PBUH), and surrender to Him in peace (Islam).

Islam forbids anyone to be forced into marriage.

The Quran clearly is against this, and the parents or guardians of the youth are responsible to find the best matches for their children. This involves knowing your own child and about the potential spouse, as well as knowing the family and their ways, before recommending marriage.

There is an Arabic proverb that says: “Love is blind, it makes zucchini turn into okra.” Arranged marriages, on the other hand, are based not on physical attraction or romantic notions, but rather on critical evaluation of the compatibility of the couple. That is why such marriage often proves successful.

The West often makes fun of the Islamic way of marriage, in particular, arranged marriage. Yet, the irony is that statistically arranged marriages prove to be more successful and lasting than romantic types of courtship. This is because people are blinded by the physical attraction and thus do not choose the compatible partner.

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Saira Rao is an editorial intern at Sharnoff’s Global Views. Read other articles by Saira.